Setting Up Your Listing
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Written by Jointly Support
Updated over a week ago

Add Your Seller's Information

  1. To begin your listing deal, navigate to the ADD CLIENT button on your home page and select "Seller".

  2. Enter your seller's information. If you have an additional seller select Yes and enter the information for the additional seller.

  3. Select whether the property is currently listed on the MLS. If you select "No" you will have the ability to link the listing to the MLS later.

Getting Started

Once you have added your client information, you will have the "Getting Started" task. Here, you will enter the property information and deal options.

Next Steps

Once you've finished adding the listing information, all of your listing documents and set up tasks will populate under the "NEXT STEPS" tab on your Listing Overview. Complete the "Listing Portal Setup" and "Preferences for Incoming Offers". This task will be slightly different depending on the type of property.

Any information you choose to add here will be included on your listing's Offer Portal. This information will also be prefilled in any offers submitted on your listing. However, the buyer's agent will have the ability to overwrite any of these fields when drafting their offer.

Complete Other Documents

Depending on the property, you may be assigned additional tasks. For instance, if the property is located in an HOA, Jointly will automatically assign a task for you to complete the Property Owners Association Addendum.

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